"6 426 people per km 2, Hong Kong boasts the most densely populated urban center in the world. The reality of sustainable practices, depletion of resources and a shifting global power paradigm pervade media involving China, and its Western syndicate territory, Hong Kong. By making imagery here, I ask viewers to contemplate these issues, but to also see these places as homes; not statistics. As the living cities and infrastructure that address cultural standards and progressive technologies.These photographs do not propose a reality so different from the spin of contemporary media, but asks an audience on the other side of the world, the Western world, to reflect on whether these images provide a surrogate for wonderment or trepidation for a changing global climate and future."
Les photos et le texte sont signés Greer Muldowney.
Cela renvoie directement à nos questions sur la capacité de la Chine à inventer - ou non - de nouveaux modèles urbains et de transports dans les années à venir pour faire face à la croissance de ces villes millionnaires (voir là), mais aussi à la possibilité - ou non - pour Hong-Kong de devenir le modèle de la ville hyper-dense du XXI° siècle (voir là).