C'est superbe et cela renouvelle totalement l'approche de l'énergie solaire en ville.
Le projet a été imaginé par l'agence ZM Architecture dans le cadre des International Design Awards, dont l'agence est un des lauréats.
Pour les explications techniques sur ces drôles de nénuphares, voilà ce que disait le toujours très bon site de la BBC
"Rotating discs
The energy created would then be transformed and exported to the national grid.
The firm said the design of the lilypads was "inspired by nature" and they could be tethered to the river bed.
Integrated motors would then rotate the discs to follow the sun for maximum output.
ZM Architecture director, Peter Richardson, said: "We are delighted to be recognised for our commitment to providing alternative energy solutions and are excited about the potential of this idea in a range of contexts."
The company hopes Glasgow City Council will be interested in developing a small pilot project in conjunction with the Science Centre."

Et demain des îles solaires géantes ?

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