Friday, March 27, 2015


Pour prolonger mes deux derniers posts de politique fiction sur les futurs rapports économiques possibles entre la Chine et les Etats-Unis, je voulais vous proposer une vision d'un Detroit colonisé par les chinois et transformé en Special Administrative Region à l'image de ce qu'est Hong-Kong aujourd'hui - voir "Detroit S.A.R".

Le scénario imaginé par Rania Ghosn et Suo Ya donne à réfléchir.
"In 2015, Detroit S.A.R. was established. The new region implemented looser policies on visa, immigration, investment, and taxation. Chinese manufacturing companies, which produce goods for international brands such as Nike, Apple and Coach, expanded their business overseas. 
Detroit S.A.R. quickly overtook Mainland China in economic growth rates: the American Dragon was born. 
Entire urban blocks were new real estate operations. Road signs were changed into bilingual Chinese and English. Chinese consumers rushed into shopping malls to buy organic food and luxury on sales. Chinese kids were sent to the region’s schools in preparation of their college study in the U.S. The God of Wealth was very satisfied that Detroit S.A.R. was the frontier of world capitalism. (...)
(...) In 2030, the landmarks were relocated. A border wall was built stretching the whole length of 8 Mile Road and wrapping around the city. To the north of the wall, the uprooted landmarks were connected to the wall as anchor stores.
The Great Wall served to maintain the desired distance between Detroit S.A.R. and the suburbs all while housing the mutual dreams of American and Chinese capitalism. Within the Wall, the glittery malls also functioned as border crossing, factories and dormitories for local and foreign workers.
A Homeland Security Subway allowed a most efficient borer crossing between the United States and China.
The manufacturing spaces were exposed to the public of the northern suburbs as the image of a prosperous, spectacular, and transparent Detroit S.A.R. The Investors Brochure© featured photo-essays on the great expectations for the “employee-family” within the Wall.
The Main Wall Street was the best-in-class shopping experience. With on-site production, the aisles are replenished daily - never out of stock!"